

Wallpaper* magazine and Hästens, Milano 2010

In 2010, Wallpaper* invited Cristian Zuzunaga to collaborate with bedmakers Hästens to create a one-off item for its “handmade” festival the same year.

Hästens, Swedish bed manufacturers who are famed for their checked styles and patterns, were aligned with Zuzunaga by Wallpaper*, who saw that both had in common this notoriety for working with checked and squared patterns.

Cristian began with Hästens’ classic bed frame, bringing in his own set of colours and also dipping into the Hästens portfolio of secondary colours. Zuzunaga worked in the Hästens factory to create a pixellated print, dominated by deep navy, greys and green shades accentuated with lighter hues, exploring Jungian dream analylsis , repetition, symmetry, time, geometry and mosaics.

The result of this exciting collaboration was presented at Wallpaper’s “handmade” magazine at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, April 14th – 19th 2010 (Exhibition held at Brioni House).