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Ephemera, 2024

Ephemera is a project dedicated to bringing attention to discarded metal objects, collected over 15 years from various locations. The metal wires, found in diverse places, are arranged on man-made cubes with bases made of concrete, aluminum-based cement fondu, and plaster –materials integral to our urban environment’s construction.

Each piece carries its unique history, embodying the discarded, the unused, and the unwanted. By bringing these objects together and placing them on display, their appeal is heightened. The act of illuminating them serves to embrace the non-existent and the non-visible.

All these artifacts, originally abandoned on the ground, have undergone transformations through the forces of gravity and nature. Shedding light on them provides new meanings and narratives, encouraging us to question and reflect on our tangible life experiences in the man-made realm.

In an age dominated by the digital and intangible, these sculptures serve as a poignant compensation, exposing materiality and creating a compelling collision with reality that holds relevance in today’s context.

Static Series, 2005

Static Motion Series
61.5 x 43 cm
Letterpress on Paper

Rhythm Series, 2004

Rhythm Series
Various formats
Letterpress on Paper